Monday, September 8, 2008

God's getting my attention

Why do we not know God? According to Charles Stanley there are three very real reasons: 1) haven't heard the gospel and so don't know that Jesus is waiting for them to come to Him, 2) lack of interest in God- busy-ness of life crowds Him out... we just "don't have time" to spend with Him, and 3) not willing to sacrifice the time or 'pay the price' of spending time with God. I admit I fall in the second category. My life has been filled with church activities, kids activities, work, TV, and computer 'play' that I have no time for Bible study, prayer, and meditation. It is no coincidence that my restlessness and dissatisfaction led me to Stan's class last night. I've been so busy with activities and programs that I've crowded out any chances to know God and bear fruit. I will say, however, that I find it particularly hard to experience God's love when I am focused on me and what I'm not getting... from God, from my family, from my church, from others. It's only when I'm able to let go of my selfish desires and put myself last that I'm going to experience fulfillment and joy. (How many times have I heard that before? When am i ever going to listen!) When we stray from his purposes, he can get our attention in a number of ways: a restless spirit, someone's spoken word, an unusual blessing, unanswered prayer, disappointment, financial troubles, defeat, tragedy, illness, affliction. The question is: am I willing to put myself last? Am I willing to put everyone's needs before my own WITHOUT POUTING OR RESENTMENT to bring honor and glory to God? When I am, then I can move ahead... 

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