Sunday, June 6, 2010


Yesterday, my baby boy got married. I can't believe this little towhead boy that I've loved more than life itself is beginning another chapter of his life with the girl of his dreams. How many parents get to say that? As I prayed for him during the ceremony, watching him lead his wife in the taking of communion as his first act as a husband, I just poured my overflowing heart in praise to a God who would bless me in such a way. My eyes overflowed as I thanked Him for helping me raise such a godly man, who wants more than anything to be the spiritual leader of his home. I watched him on the screen at the rehearsal, a bubbly little vivacious boy who was almost always happy and smiling, and singing. He loved going to 'Jesus's' house and as he grew, I never had to force him much to come to church.  As we danced our 'mother-son' dance, my heart was so full. I told him I was not the perfect parent, but hoped I'd given him enough foundation to take now and build his own family on. He smiled and said, 'Oh, I tell people I had a drug problem when I was younger--- I was drug to church every time the door was open!' What a profound statement that just reinforced me! Every parent worries, 'Have I given them enough (spiritual leadership)? Can they face trials on their own? Do they know how crucial it is to keep Christ as their focus throughout their marriage? All those fears were put to rest as they vowed to each other to follow Christ in every aspect of their life. My dreams for my son were fulfilled at that moment. I have prayed continually over the years, that my son would find the wife that God had picked out just for him. The word to this Wayne Watson song has been my mantra:
 "And I don't even know her name, but I'm praying for her just the same,
    That the Lord will write her name upon His heart.
For somewhere in the course of this life, my little boy will need  a godly wife,
   So hold on to Jesus, baby, wherever you are."
Well, my little boy found the godly wife of his dreams in his precious Brittney! She has kept him focused on their future and how much that depended on him getting his degree. I truly believe she was a primary catalyst in him finishing.

Baby boy, if you're reading this, know that it's never too early to begin praying for your children. I love you as much as a mortal person can love another. If I call you too much or ask too many questions, it's just because I want to always feel connected to you and Brittney. It's hard letting you go, knowing there's now another to take my place, but that's as it should be. God has got His hands on you in a big way. I am sooooo proud of you, the choices you've made and are continuing to make, the path you've chosen, the life you're building with Britt. I could never have ever asked for a better child. Just promise me you'll remember your old mom now and again, and smile.

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