Friday, October 8, 2010

One step forward, 3 steps back...

Well, great spiritual revelations are usually followed with humiliating flubs. All that spiritual fruit I was growing so carefully got lopped off when I exploded at my sweet husband over something really stupid  As soon as I said it, I felt black and dirty... sin's like that sometime. Rears its ugly head and howls with delight when we trip up and fall flat on our witness. So, I crawled back and humbly apologized, (but he took his sweet time accepting it, enjoying every minute of my humiliation!) So with the air all clear, I went in my office to do my Bible study lesson for the day. I just stared at the title...Dealing with Sin. Is God trying to teach me or what!! So this week I'm learning what sin really is, realizing that we will not be perfect until we are glorified with God, so sin will be a reality in my life. I am not immune, but it also does not cancel out my salvation. Sin will always be a part of my mortal life, but I don't have to succumb to it. I might fall down, but thanks to Jesus I don't have to stay there. I can let Him pick me up, dust me off, and carry me on to the next higher plane. I have the choice to turn away from the sin and toward Jesus. In other words, I have HOPE of escaping the penalty of sin because I've been forgiven and washed clean with the blood of Jesus. God no longer sees sinful me hiding in my filthy rags, but He sees me clean and forgiven after my bath in the blood of Jesus.
Am I always going to struggle with sin? Yes. Am I ever going to conquer sin and temptation? Not in this life. But what a comfort that I don't have to be perfect to be loved and forgiven. Do I deserve it? Not at all. Am I grateful? Absolutely!

1 comment:

Brenda Royal said...

We're all in this together...and to give one another strength which comes only from Him through us. I admire you for posting your blog.