Saturday, October 2, 2010


Value. It's one of the most important things a person can feel. Those who do not feel valued by their family, employers, friends, co-workers live empty lives full of despair. I don't know... maybe it's just me. But I don't feel valued. I feel invisible.

But God is showing me otherwise. I am learning that God loves me and values me just as I am. I am His chosen child, born into His family not out of obligation, but of choice-- mine and His. I am accepted by Him. I am no longer a hopeless sinner, but forgiven and saved through the shedding of Jesus' blood. He valued me enough to pay for my sins by trading his sinless life for the torment and humiliation of the cross. Why can I not wrap my mind around that? Why can't I believe that I am that important to Him? Why do I continually slap Him in the face when I belittle myself with feelings of worthlessness and insecurity? I AM SECURE in Christ!! I can't lose that! Even if I turn my back and walk away from Him, He will pursue me because He LOVES me and purchased me from death. I don't have the right to wallow in self pity. I have the blessing of salvation and the hope of a future serving and glorifying my Jesus!!

I'm learning that I don't need people, a job, or even a family to validate me. I don't need to be successful or wealthy in the world's eyes to give me purpose. I don't need knowledge or wisdom or pedagogical degrees to give me worth. I don't need social graces and an outgoing personality to esteem me. I just need Jesus. He has already validated me, stamped me with HIS seal of approval. I just need to display that 'stamp' to the world and be okay with me just like Christ is okay with me. If I'm good enough for Jesus, I'm good enough for me and everybody else. WOW! And it only took 28 years for that to sink in! I am REALLY a slow learner! Thank goodness God is patient and persistent!

Now, on to lesson two...

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